Timetable & Bookings
We have a full timetable of both ‘Face To Face’ classes in the studio as well as the Online Timetable for ‘Live Streamed’ classes and recorded content.

Studio and Live streamed classes available

Classes are small and personable

You can filter the timetable by location and date

“Thank you so much for providing the online classes, you’ve really helped me get through this week! I’m a bit rusty as it’s about 2 years since I went back to full time work and stopped going to Pilates. I thought I’d be really awful, but it’s amazing how it comes back and I discover that yes I can still move. Physically I feel better and more positive too, thank you, thank you, and thank you”

“I wanted to say thank you so much for the way the Pilates studio navigated so well and effectively to an online schedule. The transition seemed totally seamless and has certainly kept me sane in these worrying times so thank you to everyone at Shape It Up (I’ve never felt so fit and it’s definitely a boost to mental as well as physical health!) all the teachers”